2023 Buffs4Life Events
11th Annual Kyle Macintosh Memorial 5K Fun Run/Walk
In Person: Sunday, June 25-Franklin Field-CU Boulder Campus
This year, the Kyle Macintosh Memorial 5K will benefit CU’s mission to help in need, especially with our mental health and suicide prevention initiatives.
Questions? Email us at information@buffs4life.org
Runners/Walkers will join us at Franklin Field, CU Boulder campus, to run or walk the campus 5 K route. Each participant will receive a race packet including a Buffs Helping Buffs T-shirt, a post 5K breakfast and a family friendly interactive expo featuring many of our sponsors!

18th Annual Buffs4Life Golf Tournament Weekend
September 10-11
Omni Interlocken Resort Hotel and Golf Club
Family BBQ and Silent Auction-Sunday, September 10
4-7 PM-Omni Interlocken Resort-East Lawn
The family BBQ and Silent Auction will be open to all registered golfers, sponsors and former CU Athletes. Non-golf participants or non-CU alumni athletes are welcome to register for $20/person (kids under 12 are free).
18th Annual Golf Tournament-Monday, September 11
Registration and Breakfast 8 AM, Shotgun Start 10 AM.
We are a go for September 11..registration will open May 1! The Buffs4Life Golf Tournament raises funds to support former CU athletes and coaches in need along with building resources for our mental health initiatives. We are BUFFS HELPING BUFFS! Don’t get left behind by the herd!

Buffs4Life needs you! Not participating in any of our events as a participant or golfer? VOLUNTEER! We love our volunteers…they are what makes Buffs4Life annual events great!

Buffs4Life General Fund Donations
CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION either one time or join our monthly donation challenge. All funds raised will go to the Buffs4Life General Fund to support our mental health initiatives or a former CU athlete and their families that we assist throughout the year.